
goin veggan?

yup.. how about giving it a go to veggetables and fruits, cereals, wholegrain and nuts. Why not?
PETA concience, ya... after listening to the first 2 CDs of "Skinny Bitch" I was able to create a mental picture of the horrible things man does to animals, God loves them too!  how polluted are farms, what they feed animals with!!. I like green, Im eating green!

Really good Read!

Aand now I find myself thinking.. would this trigger me into fall into my eating disorder again?
 Hope not!.. But I seriously have learnt that a change requires more than just temporal, sporadical tiny changes here and there.. I need PERMANENT changes.. better choises, better decisions, better actions and in return, pretty damn good results! karma! And Ive known this since forever but like it says on the book; "you want to be skinny? use your brains!!" they have no idea how powerful are these words, or they do. Id never get tired of seeing how amazing it is to see human brain in action. is so complex! is so powerful!!

If I could get anything, anything... that would be being able to control my brain, have self control.. use it at my maximum.. how cool would that be. --- dot dot dot.. and the point was.. Im doing this for my own health. I even gonna quit splenda, diet coke and hear this: coffee! :o!!!.. i know.. no more aspartame for me.. ridiculous, Ive been living on these drugs for the last 10 years! Is gonna be quite a challange, but I know Im doing the right thing. I want to be healthy, not just skinny... I want to be a skinny bitch, kinda. haha I want the control back, but this time in a more sane way yee?
- of course no smoking anymore.. tho I was never a real smoker .. I only smoked for a perioud of what, 3 weeks maybe.. thats it. during the clinic in patient program.. stupid self control, grr.. So ya.. no touching that either. I dont even feel like to. thats no problemo!

No meat, chicken, beef, fish, milk, chesse, eggs?!?! What the H bomb are you goin to eat?!?! ... well..
turns out vegetarians actually have a food pyradm just for them.. check this out:

Some of the foods Im introducing to my meals are: herbal tea, whole grain breads and cereals, water WATER water, fruits, vegetables, raw brown sugar, grains, nuts, beans, soy (oh soy), natural and organic goods. :o wow.. wonder what it´ll be like.. Im feeling really excited about it.

I might have to go slowly, cutting off my coffee, splenda and coke is hard enough, im giving myself a week to ban this mosters off, at the same time include more fruit and veggies to my meals and reduce as much as I can of meats and dairy. yays!

Ill be posting more, need to keep track of this changes.. plus is my way not to trigger myself into my ED, and still enjoy writtng and all about it. lol .. Next post on a totally different-similar subject commin on next.

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