
i dont want to feel

he surpriced me. again.
I wasnt expecting seeing him, or having him following me.
We broke up a week ago, something that wasnt meant to happen, just happened.

I was at the bus stop when he approached, gave me an enveloped of x ray in a card.
- first thing i thought about, omgshii..pleasepleasedontletitbeabrokenheart!, He looked so cute and his mouth was trembling.. We said hi, we said bye.. and I walk off the feelings by walking to my house from school.

Inside... was this:

the dignosis was: "I cant get you out of my head"

and this...

Im a freaking rock. :'(

1 comentario:

  1. You are NOT a rock! And I'm sorry you had to go through all that and I wasn't there for you! I feel like crap for not being right there next to you.
    I'm sorry, can't wait to see you.
    Love you lots honey.
