
I. Like. Food.

i do, i do ...

3 comentarios:

  1. regarding your last post: I chew my fingers. Not my nails, or my cuticles. My fingers. And I eat the skin. Gross, i know. It started out with nail biting, then chewing on the cuticles, but for the past several years I have been chewing my fingers until they bleed. it sucks because they bleed in public all the time and its gross. I was biting my fingers in my therapist's office today and they started bleeding an di got blood on my white coat and I had to borrow her Tide stick and it was embarrassing.
    I don't know why I do it. It is kind of a comfort thing. i have been trying to quit for forever and i just can't. Sometimes i bandage the ones that are really bad, but then I just chew the other ones more.
    K, I probably just creeped you out. i really just wanted to let you know you are not alone with having a weird compulsion.

  2. Me also - this is a lovely photo btw :-)
